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Lasiurus seminolus (Rhoads, 1895)
Seminole Bat

Photo by: GA DNR
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Federal Protection: No US federal protection

State Protection: No Georgia state protection

Global Rank: G5

State Rank: S5

Element Locations Tracked in Biotics: No

SWAP High Priority Species (SGCN): No

Element Occurrences (EOs) in Georgia: 0

Habitat Summary for element in Georgia: Georgia habitat information not available


The Seminole bat is a medium-sized bat with long pointed wings and short, rounded ears. Their fur is a deep mahogany, tipped with silver. They also have a furred tail membrane. They range in length from 108 to 114 mm (10.8-11.4 cm), weigh around 7 to 14 g, and have a forearm length of 35 to 45 mm (3.5-4.5 cm). Their wingspan is 27-33 cm (11-13 in).

Similar Species

The Seminole bat is almost identical to Lasiurus borealis, except for fur color. The Seminole bat is much less red or yellowish and has fur tipped with silver. The area under the arms to the wrist and uropatagium are entirely furred. This bat is also commonly confused with Lasiurus cinereus; although, the Seminole bat is smaller in body size. 


The Seminole bat spends most of its life in forests of mixed oak, pine, hickory, and blackgum or in lowland cypress stands and river swamps. These bats also have been found on islands and along prairie edges that allow for easy flight paths. Roosting is more common in pine trees during parturition and lactation. Seminole bats generally prefer trees that are taller and larger in diameter. They typically hang from 1.5 to 6.1 m above the ground on the and may prefer using the southwest side of trees.


Seminole bats are aerial insectivorous. They feed in early evening, while in flight. Their diet primarily consists of flies, beetles, dragonflies, bees, wasps, and crickets.

Life History

The Seminole bat  commonly roosts in pine trees and Spanish moss. Although several bats can be found hanging together, roosting alone is more common. Mating occurs in flight during the fall and females generally give birth to 1 to 4 offspring in late May to early June. Pups reach sexual maturity in the year following their birth. 

Survey Recommendations

Classic survey methods for seminole bats include mist-netting and the use of ultrasonic bat detectors. Mist netting surveys in Georgia should follow guidelines laid out on our Bat Survey Guidance webpage (http://www.georgiawildlife.com/BatSurveyGuidance).


The species typically ranges throughout the Gulf Coast states from south Florida to Texas and north to southeastern Oklahoma, southern Arkansas, and the Carolinas.


Since these bats roost in Spanish moss, the gathering of this moss could affect roosting behavior. Although no studies have been done to determine whether there has been an impact, educating moss collectors about these roosting requirements could help seminole bats.

Georgia Conservation Status

There are no state-level protections for this species.

Conservation Management Recommendations


Barbour, R.W. and W. H. Davis. 1969. Bats of America. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.

Constantine, D. Ecological observation of lasiurine bats in Georgia. Journal of Mammalogy, 39; 64-70. 1953.

Solari, S. 2019. Lasiurus seminolus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T11353A22119113. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-1.RLTS.T11353A22119113.en

Walker, Terri. “Lasiurus Seminolus (Seminole Bat).” Animal Diversity Web, animaldiversity.org/accounts/Lasiurus_seminolus/#conservation_status

Authors of Account

Sarah Krueger

Date Compiled or Updated

S. Krueger, March 2020