Conservation Status Assessment Maps for Southeastern at Risk Species

The purpose of this website is to support the development and use of conservation status assessment maps for imperiled or at-risk species occuring within the southeastern United Status. Conservation status assessment maps categorize spatial units according to the last observation of a species and help assess overall conservation status, survey needs, and protection needs. Please click on the links below to explore this site. This project is led by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and members of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA).


This project period is complete, but we are planning to keep this site online until 2025. We are not actively pursuing additional data sets. However, we will update maps if someone sends us data that updates a species occurrence in a HUC 10 watershed or 24K hexagon. Thank you


We updated the data on 4/30/19 to include additional data received for several species


Hello, please check out Dynamic Status Maps, we have made a lot of improvements to map functionality. Make sure you click on a mapping unit to see a sortable table of species occurrence records. We are trying to update maps about 1 x per month now, at least for the next several months.


Attention SEARS Data Team, the algorithm files and instructions have been posted. Please try to make a status map and let us know if you have any questions. We also plan to schedule a webinar tutorial/question session in the next month. Thank you!


Project Description

Project Statement

Download Status Mapping Algorithm and Instructions

Status Map Algorithm

Prepare Species Occurrence Data for Submission to Georgia DNR

Minnow and Sucker Status Maps